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Dig. Chapter 6. The Idol of Appearance(s)

Dig  Uncovering the Idols that Control Our Choices  Chapter 6. The Idol of Appearance(s)   “No man knows himself or can describe himself with fidelity.  But he can reveal himself.  This [was] especially true of Gandhi.  He believed in revealing himself.  He regarded secrecy as the enemy of freedom – not only the freedom of… Read More »Dig. Chapter 6. The Idol of Appearance(s)

Dig. Chapter 5. The Idol of Busy

Dig  Uncovering the Idols that Control Our Choices  Chapter 5. The Idol of Busy “Every age has its own characteristics.  Right now we are in an age of religious complexity.  The simplicity which is in Christ is rarely found among us.  In its stead are programs, methods, organizations, and a world of nervous activities which… Read More »Dig. Chapter 5. The Idol of Busy

Dig. Chapter 4. The Idol of Validation

Dig  Uncovering the Idols that Control Our Choices  Chapter 4. The Idol of ValidatioN “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  – John 10:10 It happens when we post pictures of ourselves.  It happens when we send pictures of ourselves. … Read More »Dig. Chapter 4. The Idol of Validation

Dig. Chapter 3. The Idol of Comfort

Dig  Uncovering the Idols that Control Our Choices  Chapter 3. The Idol of Comfort  “Pain does not exist until you feel it, and you feel it in your mind.”  – Dr. Paul Brand Reader, meet the Idol of Comfort.  I don’t need to introduce it to you because it knows you well.  It knows me… Read More »Dig. Chapter 3. The Idol of Comfort

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